作者:中华健康网 时间:2023-06-14 11:10 阅读:5664
1. 加入沙拉中
2. 轻炒素菜
3. 制作饼干
1. 黄瓜籽和芝麻的使用量要适量,过量食用可能会引起不适,尤其是对于容易过敏的人群。
2. 制作饼干时,要注意控制油和糖的使用量,以免增加热量。
3. 切勿购买过期或变质的黄瓜籽和芝麻,以免食用后对身体产生不良影响。
4. 对于肥胖以及高血脂等病患,应在医生指导下使用黄瓜籽和芝麻,以免因食用过多对身体健康造成不良影响。
1. 徐燕. 黄瓜籽的营养价值及开发利用[J]. 食品卫生论坛, 2015(4):111-112.
2. 朱嘉栋, 马轶轩, 陶士俊. 芝麻的保健作用及营养成分[J]. 中国保健营养, 2017, 26(4):33-34.
3. 李玉倩, 白霞. 黄瓜籽的营养成分及保健作用[J]. 中国调味品, 2015(8):80-81.
4. 王小彤, 王婧, 周垚垚,等. 芝麻及其制品的营养成分和健康保健功能[J]. 中国调味品, 2015(5):32-34.
5. 黄菲. 食品中常用的芝麻及其健康作用探析[J]. 中国糖酒, 2018(16):186-187.
Title: The Functions of Cucumber Seeds and Sesame Seeds
Abstract: Cucumber seeds and sesame seeds are two common kitchen condiments, which not only add flavor to dishes, but also have many health benefits. This article will introduce the functions of cucumber seeds and sesame seeds, and how to apply them to daily life.
I. The Functions of Cucumber Seeds
1. Clearing heat and detoxifying
Cucumber seeds have the function of clearing heat and detoxifying. The cold cucumber seeds containing bitter almond glycoside can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, promote digestion, and help to clean harmful substances in the intestines and stomach. In addition, cucumber seeds also have the function of detoxification, which can effectively purify toxins and protect the liver.
2. Lowering blood lipids
Cucumber seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and plant sterols, which can effectively reduce blood lipids, prevent cardiovascular disease, and promote body metabolism. Therefore, cucumber seeds can be used as a natural food for weight loss.
3. Beauty and Keeping fit
Cucumber seeds are rich in a variety of essential nutrients for the body, such as calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, etc. These components help to regulate the skin's water balance, maintain skin elasticity, prevent skin aging, and achieve the effect of beauty and keeping fit.
II. The Functions of Sesame Seeds
1. Nourishing and health preserving
Sesame seeds are a kind of nutritious food, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Eating sesame seeds can improve the body's immunity, nourish the body, and relieve fatigue.
2. Protecting the liver
The vitamin E and fatty acids in sesame seeds can effectively protect the liver. The components of soybean isoflavones and linolenic acid in sesame seeds can inhibit the excessive production of liver cells' lipids, and reduce the liver damage.
3. Promoting blood circulation
Sesame seeds contain a large amount of linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which can promote blood circulation, lower blood lipids, prevent the formation of blood clots, and reduce the occurrence of diseases such as heart disease, stroke and arteriosclerosis.
III. How to Use Cucumber Seeds and Sesame Seeds
1. Add to salads
Cucumber seeds and sesame seeds can be added to salads to increase flavor and nutrition. When making salads, cucumber seeds and sesame seeds can be roasted first and then sprinkled on top.
2. Stir-fry vegetables
Cucumber seeds and sesame seeds can also be used to stir-fry vegetables. They can be cooked with vegetables to increase nutrition and add flavor to dishes.
3. Make cookies
Cucumber seeds and sesame seeds can be used to make cookies, creating a crispy and nutritious snack.
IV. Precautions
1. The amount of cucumber seeds and sesame seeds used should be moderate. Excessive consumption may cause discomfort, especially for those who are prone to allergies.
2. When making cookies, pay attention to controlling the amount of oil and sugar used to avoid increasing the calorie content of the snack.
3. Do not buy expired or spoiled cucumber seeds and sesame seeds, to avoid adverse effects on the body after consumption.
4. For obese people and those with high blood lipids, the use of cucumber seeds and sesame seeds should be under the guidance of a doctor, to avoid adverse effects on health caused by excessive consumption.
V. Conclusion
Cucumber seeds and sesame seeds are not only delicious kitchen condiments, but also representative healthy foods. Their benefits, which include clearing heat and detoxifying, lowering blood lipids, promoting blood circulation, nourishing and health preserving, and beauty and keeping fit, make them worthy of being used extensively applied in daily life.